
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Social Media- Gain More Friends, Likes, Followers, Repins and Enlightenment

My friend asked me to be a featured guest on her radio show so I listened in to her latest broadcast and stumbled across BlogTalkRadio. It let's you create your own radio show and broadcast live, which seems pretty interesting. So the wheels in my head started turning and if I can keep up with this blog, my youtube channel and writing new songs then maybe I'll branch out into a radio show. How many people have their own radio shows? Their own blogs? Facebook, twitter, pinterest, instagram, youtube, linkedin, foursquare...the list goes on forever.  There are services to help you gain followers, likes, repins, etc. Where is all of this "social interaction" headed? Where does it end?

The more we as a culture get into social media, the more it seems we get away from real social interaction. I went to a party last weekend and felt it was almost painful to carry on a conversation with the other guests. I didn't really feel like I had much in common with them. Shouldn't that be a good thing though? Shouldn't we engage in some heated debate or share our different world viewpoints? All of the social media outlets allow us to connect with things and people we are interested in, but what about the things/people we're not interested in? De-friend them. Don't follow them. Block them. Where does this get us? 

It seems that all of this leads to people becoming spoiled and intolerant of other's viewpoints creating an ego driven society trapped in duality. The ego wants to separate out what it "is" and what it "is not," thus giving it existence and making it feel real. Without separation there cannot be existence. To exist, the opposite "non-existence" or death must also be created simultaneously. But is this real? Everything and everyone is connected. We are all energy. One. By denying and pushing away that which we hate, we actually deny a part of ourselves. We disconnect from the truth and source. 

Some people use the term God, which in and of itself can cause such heated arguments and wars. But for what? A misunderstanding of a word? If God is all-powerful, all-knowing, all-encompassing then God is all. There is no other way to define God, but as everything. There cannot be something or someone that is not God because then God would not be God. Duality cannot exist if you truly understand God beyond words and limiting definitions. God is light and dark. Good and evil. Young and old. Male and female. 

The mind has trouble wrapping itself around this concept. Zen koans capture this essence in witty one-liners that make the brain freeze. Stop- thinking. Spinning wheel on the computer. Error. How can something exist and not-exist at the same time? To fully understand the concept is to be fully absorbed by it. The world of duality will still exist as it always must in order for existence and life to continue. You will still be in it, but fully aware of it. Watching it. Observing. Laughing when the ego gets pulled back into duality. Free to play in the world as a child without preconceptions of what is good or bad. Just simply marveling at the miracles of what is. Without judgement. Without attachment. Without labeling "right" or "wrong." Just being. Breathing. Eternal life in every moment achieved through the constant killing of the ego, the walking dead zombie, the vampire, the false self. 


  1. There are services to help you buy instagram followers $5 gain followers, likes, repins, etc. Where is all of this "social interaction" headed? Where does it end?

  2. Edie, you are a wealth of knowledge and really a gift. I just recommended your blog to our buy real instagram followers group of Word Weavers who are really struggling with social media. Thanks for making it all less of a mystery!
